⚠️ Attention Business Owners, Coaches, Consultants And Content Creators ⚠️

Do You Want The EXACT Sales Templates & Sales Training Brandon Carter, Dan Lok, Rudy Mawer and Ryan Pineda Have Used?

Well, We’ve Trained All Of Their Sales Teams And For A Limited Time , Here’s Why You Can Get The Exact Same Set Of Sales-Boosting Assets We Gave To Them - Without Paying Us Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars !

As A Result, We’ve Helped Our Clients Make A Lot Of Sales:

For The First Time Ever,

Get Our Scale Team Vault™

Our 360 Sales Maximization System Our Clients Pay Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars To Teach Their Teams

Yours Today For Only

$497 $9

Why Are We Only Charging $9...?

Obviously We Don’t Make Any Money From This!

The reason why we’re doing this is because I was inspired by Alex Hormozi.

His philosophy is to: “Give away your information and sell your implementation” - and that’s basically what we’re doing.

This $9 doesn’t make any profit - it’s to cover advertising costs and when you purchase the
Scale Team Vault™, there’s only 1 of 3 things that will Bullet Listhappen:

  1. You’re going to use our internal resources in your business and you’re going to earn more. As a result, if you want to work together some more - that’s awesome, that’s where we make our real profit as a business. Or…

    If you get great results and we don’t work together, that’s ok! We’ve just won a happy customer / client and we’re building a good reputation in the industry.

  2. You’re going to be overwhelmed with how extensive the process is and want to work together which is no problem either. Or…

  3. You’ve implemented what we’ve shared, you get some results, but you feel good but you’re not WOW’d. In this case, no problem, we’ll give you 100% of the money back.

Clients We’ve Worked With

Ever Feel Like Your Sales Team Can Do Better?

Managing a sales team is not easy.

Even if you’re a great sales-coach - if you’re like most business owners, you’ve got a lot on your plate and you don’t always have the time (or the patience) to train your team.

But what if I can help your team perform better with a few small tweaks and updates to your sales process?

How The Scale Team Vault™ Was Created & Why It Gives You A Huge Unfair Advantage

Managing a sales team is not easy.

Even if you’re a great sales-coach - if you’re like most business owners, you’ve got a lot on your plate and you don’t always have the time (or the patience) to train your team.

But what if I can help your team perform better with a few small tweaks and updates to your sales process?

  • I’ve led teams as big as 110 salespeople...

  • ​I’ve helped generate $80M+ in sales across different industries...

  • ​I’ve helped turn some of the worst performing sales teams to high-performance sales teams doing 80% show up rates, 40% close rates (on paid traffic) and 80% close rates (on organic traffic)…

  • I’ve spent over $250,000+ & learned from the best entrepreneurs and learned their sales systems (Russell Brunson, Rudy Mawer, and Jeremy Haynes just to name a few)...

  • I’ve trained the sales teams of industry leaders like Brandon Carter, Dan Lok, Rudy Mawer, Mike Schmidt, AJ Rivera and many more…

  • And I’ve been in the trenches every day and have done thousands of sales calls to make sure everything we do helps our clients get an ROI a.s.a.p.

I’m in the business of helping businesses build high-performing sales teams. So every time I take on a new client, I have two choices:

  1. ​I could start from scratch every time I worked with a new client. Or...

  2. ​I could take all of the best practices of all the top the sales teams I’ve worked with to create the perfect set of trainings, scripts, and templates, and just get results for our clients right away.

I decided I wanted to provide a set of trainings, scripts, and templates where I could guarantee better client results. And that’s why I created the Sales Team Framework™ - a set of internal scripts, templates, and trainings where I can get my clients results - no matter what industry they’re in.

As A Result, We’ve Helped Our Clients

Make A Lot Of Sales...

For The First Time Ever, You Too Can Use Our Internal, Never-Before Released Framework We’ve Used To Generate Millions In Sales

Until now, I’ve only shared this framework with my internal team and with my clients who pay us 4-5 figures a month for our help.

But for the first time ever, I’m offering this treasure chest to a small handful of business owners for only $497 $9.

Here’s What You Get In The Scale Team Vault™

With the Scale Team Vault™, you’re getting a complete set of trainings, scripts, and templates guaranteed to get you more sales - no matter what industry you’re in.

Here’s what’s included:

Plug'n'Play Inbound Sales Masterscript

(Value: $797)

If you’ve got inbound sales processes and you’re selling a product/service with a shorter sales cycle, then you should be closing 20%-40% of the leads. How do you do this consistently? Well here’s the EXACT framework / script our top salespeople use and work for anyone in any industry.

Outbound Dial Setter Masterscript

(Value: $797)

What do all 8-figure offers have in common? They most likely have an outbound team. But the question is how do you do this in a way where you don’t piss-off / annoy your leads? This is the proven script to help you get more people on the phone with you as you’re doing outbound.

The Ultimate SMS Sequence

"How To Increase Show-Up Rates, Close-Rates, And Reconnect With Old-Prospects In A Non-Salesy Way"

(Value: $297)

‘What’s the 1-thing’ that’s guaranteed to increase sales? What we find is this: The more touchpoints there are in a sales process, the more sales are generated. So this sequence is designed to add more touchpoints without annoying your prospect / ruining your reputation.

The Ultimate Email Sequence

"How To Increase Show-Up Rates, Close-Rates, And Reconnect With Old-Prospects At Scale"

(Value: $297)

Most emails that businesses send out are flat-out boring, annoying, or way too pushy. This ends up deterring away all of your potential prospects. What we’ve done is put together a set of battle-tested emails where prospects are actually looking forward to continue the sales conversations with you.

14-Day Exclusive Access to Dive Deep into Sales & Copy Mastery

(Value: $497)

Ever wondered what it feels like to sit in a room filled with masterminds, decoding the art of sales and copywriting? This 14-day trial is your golden ticket. Experience not one, but FOUR private sessions that sharpen your skills, ignite your passion, and give you direct insights into the world of high-converting copy and sales tactics. And the best part? You get to test the waters without a long-term commitment. P.S. - If you have a sales team you can invite them to these sessions at no extra cost! That's right, we'll train you AND your entire sales team for free.

Bonus #1 - Outbound Mastery

"How To Setup An Outbound Sales / Setters Team From Scratch"

(Total Value: $149.00)

You know what all the best sales teams have in common? They have outbound processes and very sophisticated follow-ups on unconverted leads. This is a training you can pass directly to sales team to follow.

Bonus #2 - The Essential Sales Team Tracking System

"A Complete Set Of Copy-Paste, Fill-In-The-Blank Sales Team & Setters Team Tracking Templates"

(Total Value: $149.00)

Are you tracking the right metrics for your sales and setters team? Most businesses are tracking maybe 50% of what they need. But there are metrics we call “critical-drivers” that most businesses aren’t tracking - but should. Follow this template to track all the metrics you need.

Bonus #3 - Slides That Sell

"A Slide-By-Slide, Fill-In-The-Blank Template To Get More Sales On Sales Presentations"

(Total Value: $197.99)

Here’s what we found. When we ‘show rather than tell’ prospects about product / services, we make more sales! That’s why we’ve designed our Slides That Sell template. Use the Slides That Sell template and watch your conversions go up too!

Here’s Everything You Get When You Order Today!

  • Plug N' Play Inbound Sales Masterscript

  • Outbound Dial Setter Masterscript

  • The Ultimate SMS Sequence

  • ​The Ultimate Email Sequence

  • 14-Day Exclusive Access: Dive Deep Into Sales & Copy Mastery

Bonus #1 - Outbound Mastery: How To Setup An Outbound Sales / Setters Team From Scratch

Bonus #2 - The Essential Sales Team Tracking System: A Complete Set Of Copy-Paste, Fill-In-The-Blank Sales Team & Setters Team Tracking Templates

Bonus #3 - Slides That Sell: A Slide-By-Slide, Fill-In-The-Blank Template To Get More Sales On Sales Presentations1 Column

($797 Value)

($797 Value)

($297 Value)

($297 Value)

($497 Value)

($1,497 Value)

($149 Value)

($197.99 Value)

  • Plug N' Play Inbound Sales Masterscript ($797 Value)

  • Outbound Dial Setter Masterscript ($797 Value)

  • The Ultimate SMS Sequence ($297 Value)

  • ​The Ultimate Email Sequence ($297 Value)

  • 14-Day Exclusive Access: Dive Deep Into Sales & Copy Mastery ($497 Value)

Bonus #1 - Outbound Mastery: How To Setup An Outbound Sales / Setters Team From Scratch ($1,497 Value)

Bonus #2 - The Essential Sales Team Tracking System: A Complete Set Of Copy-Paste, Fill-In-The-Blank Sales Team & Setters Team Tracking Templates ($149 Value)

Bonus #3 - Slides That Sell: A Slide-By-Slide, Fill-In-The-Blank Template To Get More Sales On Sales Presentations1 Column ($197.99 Value)

Total Value: $4,528.99

Limited Time Offer - Get 95% Off!

$497 $9

Who The Scale Team Vault™ Is For?

  • Business Owners

If you’re a business, you don’t need to do everything yourself. This framework is designed to be a shortcut for you to help your team.

  • Sales Managers / Sales Directors

If you’re a sales manager or sales director, you’ve probably got a lot of what’s covered in the Scale Team Vault™ covered. But you’re guaranteed to get a few nuggets of gold to increase your conversions you’ve probably never thought of.

  • Sales Professionals Who Want To Earn More Commissions

The top earning sales professionals always have their own scripts, templates and processes they use. If you want to know what other top producers are doing out there, then find out by accessing the Scale Team Vault™.

Who The Scale Team Vault™ Is For?

  • Business Owners

If you’re a business, you don’t need to do everything yourself. This framework is designed to be a shortcut for you to help your team.

  • Sales Managers / Sales Directors

If you’re a sales manager or sales director, you’ve probably got a lot of what’s covered in the Scale Team Vault™ covered. But you’re guaranteed to get a few nuggets of gold to increase your conversions you’ve probably never thought of.

  • Sales Professionals Who Want To Earn More Commissions

The top earning sales professionals always have their own scripts, templates and processes they use. If you want to know what other top producers are doing out there, then find out by accessing the Scale Team Vault™.

What Our Clients Say About Working Together

Get Results - Or You Don’t Pay

Even though, you’re getting a crazy discount - we still believe you should be getting WAY more value than what you’ve put in to claim this offer. So if you implemented everything you’re getting from this limited time offer and your show ups and your sales don’t improve, then that’s our problem - not yours.

You’re backed with a 100% money back guarantee - no questions asked.

There Is No Catch! This Is Truly A Limited Offer,

So Claim This Offer Now Before It’s Over...

I’ve spent years perfecting these scripts and templates, so to be honest, I was nervous to put together this offer. But the reason I did this was because I’m a big fan of a successful entrepreneur named Alex Hormozi (if you’re in the funnel hacking world you’ve probably heard of him).

I follow his advice religiously and his advice was: “Put together an offer where you’re giving away SO much value that you’re afraid”. So I said: “What the heck? I want to get my name out there so I’m putting together a crazy irresistible offer”. He even gave me his 1 out of 5 existing autographed books called $100M Offers.

That’s why for the first time ever, I’m basically giving away my YEARS of experience and what’s working across all my clients. And instead of charging something like $497 for this (which I can), I’ve decided to make it a no-brainer and take 95% off and charge only $9 for it. So this isn’t going to last forever. If you want to help your sales-team then claim this offer now.

- Joel Yi

Normal Price: $497

Limited Time Offer - Get 95% off!

Get The Entire Framework

For Only $9

(Offer Ending Soon!)

P.S. - So what’s your downside?

If all the Scale Team Vault™ did was help your team get 1 extra sale - would it be worth it? Would you get an ROI on your investment into this bundle?

If you sell anything that’s more than $497 $9 then you pretty much have no downside. No gimmicks. No gotchas. No hidden membership or anything.

Plus when you enroll, you get instant access and if it doesn’t help you get more sales, then you’re backed with a money-back guarantee. The templates you get in a Scale Team Vault™ is a must-have in any business - so take advantage of this crazy offer now.

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